Dokku Installation

Dokku is "the smallest PaaS" implementation (Platform as Service). It functions as a simplified version of heroku on Docker, allowing you to deploy your web apps through a simple git push.

Dokku Installation


Dokku is "the smallest PaaS" implementation (Platform as Service). It functions as a simplified version of heroku on Docker, allowing you to deploy your web apps through a simple git push.


  • A fresh installation of Ubuntu 16.04 x64, Ubuntu 14.04 x64, Debian 8.2 x64 or CentOS 7 x64 (experimental).
  • The system should have FQDN setted
    • You can check this using command hostname
    • To set your hostname, use hostnamectl set-hostname YOUR_HOSTNAME
  • The machine should have at least 1 GB memory
  • Note: the newest official system requirements is here


Install Dokku

# for debian systems, installs Dokku via apt-get

sudo DOKKU_TAG=v0.14.5 bash

Note: this installation may take 5-10 minutes

Setup SSH Key and Virtualhost Settings

Once the installatin is complete, visit your hostname or ip address to set up SSH Key and virtualhost for your dokku

Note: if you don't complete the set up via web installer, you should check by ps auxf | grep dokku-installer and close it using service dokku-installer stop or stop dokku-installer

Deploy first App

Deploying dokku apps are SUPER simple!

On your computer:

git remote add dokku dokku@YOUR_HOSTNAME:YOUR_APP_NAME
git push dokku master

After deployment, you should see your app deployed at http://YOUR_APP_NAME.YOUR_HOSTNAME


dokku official docs

Cover Photo by unsplash-logoJavier Quesada

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